GDD, Miami, 11-21-37, excerpts:

You have thought to gather from without the things, the happiness and the conditions which you thought were necessary for your success and for all that your heart desires, but all have found it futile, have found it a great mistake. We, like the rest of mankind, would have remained in our limitation if it had not been those who were greater than we at that time called our attention to and assisted us to hold our attention upon the source of our life. As long as you depend upon something outside of this Presence which gives you life, then you will remain in your limitations.

What is the use of pleading and calling to the Presence if you are going to allow your feeling to criticize and condemn at the slightest provocation? What is the use? The imperative demand of your life is continued harmony in your feeling. You dear people who have been in this activity for three years and won't do that, don't blame somebody else. Blame yourself! Look at yourself and see what is wrong. Just get that and hold it forever! There is no use kidding yourselves. O, do not blame persons, places and conditions for the thing which is within yourself! You cannot be free, dear ones, as long as those qualities of discord act in your world!

But if individuals will not follow the simple explanations We give, then We cannot help them. There is no question about that! We know the law! We live it! We are the law! We know how to tell you what to do and how to do it! O look yourself straight in the face! You don't always feel quite sure of yourself, do you? That is because you have allowed your attention to be divided between the outer world and with your I AM Presence. We don't want you to go on and on not having the results you should have! We want you to have them now! Say: beloved Mighty I AM Presence, see that I never make another mistake! See that your mighty directing intelligence takes command of my mind, body and feeling and directs me unerringly in the perfect thing I should do to have the greatest release from your mighty Presence." Your beloved Mighty I AM Presence cannot fail you!

Therefore as you understand it and as you make your call and realize why it is not just a principle of life-energy and action, you will know why that light cannot be resisted. It is because the light is self-conscious intelligence, self-luminous intelligent substance. In this great release of light, power and energy, only when you are ascended will you come to know how great has been the blessing of this night and this day. Sometimes We long to release within you the all-seeing-eye which makes no mistakes, so you might see what is going on in your so-called invisible world. Turn your attention for a few moments to your own great God Presence and let its powers flow in, thru and about you and have the glory which it is! (Silence)

Great Presence of Life, charge into the feeling world of each one the full glory of your courage, strength and confidence in each one's call to the Presence so there is released instantly the full glory of its power to govern, to control the feeling world of each one, and to hold its dominion in perfect harmony thru each one until the fullness of its power finds its complete dominion in the activity of the outer life.

Cause each one to feel that his or her lifestream is the action of God the Mighty I AM Presence in personal form, which can be intensified until its glory fills the entire body releasing the light which is within every cell. Cause each one to feel the continuous outpouring of its great light and freedom which sets all free and quickly. We call this and charge it to become eternally sustained and active within each one, produce its dominion and take command of the feeling world, hold it so harmonious in feeling, thought and speech that no longer does irritation of any kind find a restingplace within the personal form! We decree this to be the victory for each one! May our call tonight remain in the consciousness of each one for his or her freedom so it may each day intensify in its action to produce those results.

In the full glory and power of your Mighty I AM Presence, the love and blessings of the ascended masters, the legions of light and the great cosmic beings, I enfold you tonight, beloved ones, in our ever-expanding intensified activity of your own God Presence the mighty I AM to flood your world with everything you require in the service of the light--money, food, clothes, conveyance, anything which is required. Mighty I AM Presence, take command of these minds and bodies! Hold them so harmonious that the release from thy great treasure-house comes forth in all required to give them the happiness and freedom which comes alone from Thee! Make this a permanently sustained mighty activity within the life and world of each one! I thank you.

GDD, Los Angeles, 12-22-37, excerpts:

Let us for the time being listen with the heart tonight! Before we continue, please try to feel your heart and my heart are one, for in reality that is true. During the great Himalaya's dictation when the Messengers were here before, from that hour there were established thru the atmosphere of Earth air currents to carry the words or qualities which the ascended masters convey during these dictations. They are carried forth from the classes wherever they are held. This has never been experienced on Earth before, and it had to be done to give the protection which America and her beloved people need today.

We must get you to feel more powerfully the reality which is your life acting. We are the power of life acting, We are the power and presence of light acting, and this We want you to feel with such great earnestness. All of the teachings of mankind have made the action of the great law of life to the human sense something mystical! It is not! Even the ascension is as practical as your mathematics because it is the action of your life, directed by the great individualized God Presence, your mighty I AM. I want to congratulate our beloved Mr. and Mrs. Sindelar on the magazine (Voice of the I AM) for standing against destructive forces which have rarely been felt upon this Earth. All the vicious human opinions on Earth, dear people, don't matter!

We must be firm! Don't let anyone come into the Shrine Auditorium class and not feel a power, a joy, an exhiliration, a healing presence unparalleled on the face of this Earth! Don't let anyone come into the Auditorium and get faint or disturbed! Such things are going to cease! Take your stand and don't do this! Then you will receive the fullness of the healing power. Do you know, alertness is a most magnificient thing.

We think the time has come when the beloved students everywhere must feel and make manifest this dominion in their lives. There always comes a time in the life and expansion of the light of every individual where after a certain amount of prompting each one is left--as you often term it--upon his own to sink or swim. Does that sound cruel? No!

It is magnificent beyond all expression to find at last the response from beloved individuals who have so long forgotten their source. Never in 400 centuries has such a response been given by mankind. Now let us all give gratitude. Won't you let Us give you our strength, our courage, our serenity and poise within your own feeling which enable this mighty release to go forth continually?

What you are today is what matters, for what you are today you make for tomorrow. Stop forever the bringing of the past into the condition of tomorrow thru the power of your feeling. O, draw a powerful line behind you and do not ever look back! If something undesirable occurs in your life, just say "Thank God it was not worse! Thank God I had the blessing!" And if you have made mistakes, don't, I plead with you, condemn yourself. Call on the law of forgiveness and forget the thing forever! Then say: "Mighty I AM Presence, take command of me and see that I don't make it occur again today or in the future." It is the simple things that make for the building of your foundation which cannot be interrupted or interfered with, and all you use with which to do it are those three faculties. Think of it! The simplicity and power of your attention, your vision and your power of qualification. They are the molding power of your whole life. Control them! Call your Presence to control them because they are the power of the universe.

Therefore, in the glory of your Presence you see--you must see with Me--your victory now! Beloved ones, in the fullness of my great love and the love of the ascended host of light I call forth the fullness of its infinite enfolding Presence. And may this radiance released tonight fill you and your world with such joy, courage, strength, happiness and dominion that never again from this hour will anything but perfection touch or fill your world. I thank you.

Master Rakoczy: